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Affordable Housing Committee Minutes 06/06/2011

Lenox Affordable Housing Committee
June 6, 2011

Members present:  Dave Klausemeyer (DK), Chair, Jo Anne Magee (JM), Kate McNulty-Vaughan (KMV), and Debbie Burke (DB).
Absent:  Ellen Jacobson (EJ), Olga Weiss (OW).Debbie Burke (DB) and Roscoe Sandlin (RS).

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.  

DK opened the meeting at 3:07 PM.  

DK offered an update on the meeting with Berkshire/Legacy Bank.  He contacted Bill Dunlaevy to determine if a bank loan officer could attend our meeting today.  Mr. Dunlaevy said he would like to meet with the committee.  Mr. Dunlaevy had a prior commitment for today but will attend the July 5, 2011 meeting.  Therefore, the meeting with Berkshire/Legacy Bank is an agenda item today.  

Minutes:   Discussion ensued regarding the May 2, 2011 minutes.  JM suggested two additions to the May 2nd minutes.  MA will change the May 2nd minutes and send the revised minutes to the members to review prior to the next meeting; therefore, this matter was tabled to the July 5, 2011 meeting.  

MA offered an update on the Peer-to-Peer program.   She is waiting for a return telephone call from the program coordinator regarding the status of Fiscal Year 12 funding for the Peer-to-Peer program.  JM offered to prepare a letter of interest if the program is available in FY’12.  

The appraisal for the Saw Mill Brook project is underway.  MA said the appraisal was scheduled to take four weeks and should be completed in the next week.  She will notify members of the appraised value as soon as that information is available.  MA said she has completed the RFP.  She will move forward with the RFP as soon as the appraisal is complete and it is determined that the project can move forward.  

MA offered information regarding the Home Modification Loan Program.    She said that the Town received notification of this program last week. The Building Commissioner expressed in interest in the program because it could help homeowners who are in need of minor repairs. The program is for seniors and disabled citizens and funding is based on income guidelines.  The Berkshire region is being administered by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission.  She said that it is not a program that will create units for the Subsidized Housing Inventory, but it might be helpful to low and moderate income residents who need minor home modifications to allow them to stay in their homes.

JM suggested that the committee might want to piggyback this program with a local program with the goal of fashioning a program that will allow units to be counted toward the Subsidized Housing Inventory.  Discussion ensued regarding programs administered by UCP and Elder Services.  MA will advise the Building Commissioner of the Elder Services and UCP organizations.  

Other Business
KMV provided a draft list of local housing organizations.  Discussion ensued regarding the list.  Members will offer KMV comments and corrections regarding the list.  

To facilitate future committee discussions, DB provide a “Table of Opportunities”.  Members will discuss the table at a future meeting.

As an aside, MA reminded members that all committee discussions should take place at a posted committee meeting.  Email is a great tool but members should not discuss committee business via email.  

DK offered suggested questions for Mr. Dunlaevy to address at the next meeting.  MA will prepare a formal list and forward it to the members for review.  Please offer comments and corrections to MA by June 20th.

KMV asked about the committee membership.  DK will follow-up with RS to determine if he still wishes to be a member of the committee.

The next meeting will be Tuesday - July 5, 2011 @ 3:00 PM.  DK stressed that the meeting is on a Tuesday because Monday is the July 4 holiday.  

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Albertson, Town Planner

Approved:   August 1, 2011